Statistics homework 3
Theory: Explain what are marginal, joint and conditional distributions and how we can explain the Bayes theorem using relative frequencies. Explain the concept of statistical independence and why, in case of independence, the relative joint frequencies are equal to the products of the corresponding marginal frequencies. Practice: Create a program...
Statistics homework 2
Theory: Describe the most common configuration of data repositories in the real world and corporate environment. Concepts such as Operational or Transactional systems (OLTP), Data Warehouse DW, Data Marts, Analytical and statistical systems (OLAP), etc. Try to draw a conceptual picture of how all these components may work together and...
Statistics homework 1
Theory: Give your best description of the many reaching out of statistics, in its various form, as a branch of math (Probability theory, etc.), as a set of methodologies used in many other disciplines, as an essential tool to dela with any sort of data, make reports and provide governance...